Get the picture:

talking business in visual language


live interventions


online programs

visual products

Photography as a business-tool

Photo-coco develops live interventions and online programs as a business tool; photography as a means to an end. These make for experiences that lead to insight in personal behavior and group dynamics. That demonstrate in a serious and playful way how we all look at the same thing and see something different. How specific ways of seeing relate to important aspects of behavior. And last but not least: how to celebrate different ways of seeing and create or revitalise connections.

Beauty, connection and photography are the key elements of all Photo-coco offers

Also in the organisational context. These elements offer ways to a fresh and positive outlook and are tremendously effective in sensitive situations that ask for changes in perspective. My personality and my professional history as manager, coach, mediator, creative facilitator and trainer formed me into a specialist in exactly that: Changing Perspective. So I know how to cut to the essence and create experiences that are inspirational, insightful and worthy of remembrance. Addional visual products (online platforms, apps, pictures & prints, albums, image-banks, postcards, card-decks) are often a beautiful way to harvest and anchor the experience and make its results tanglible.

Are you interested in Photo-coco ® guidance at your organisation?
I’m curious, please contact me! Just pop your questions and share your ideas…